Pellets for residential heating

Wood pellets are a popular and cost-effective fuel source for heating homes during the colder months. Made from compressed sawdust, wood pellets are a renewable energy source that burns cleanly and efficiently.

Why choose to buy wood pellets for heating purposes?

ood Pellets A1 a convenient, economical and efficient way to heat a home or business with domestic and sourced fuels. Wood Pellets A1.

The majority of the consumption went to heat production, representing 61,8%. Pellet consumption for heat can be further divided into three markets – residential heating (69%), commercial heating (19%) and heat generated from CHP (12%). The remaining 38,2% of wood pellets were used for power production. It should be noted that the technologies for producing energy out of pellets for heat, electricity or both, are mature, offering efficient and reliable processes.

The Benefits of Wood Pellets A1:
If you want to get a reliable source of heat, save money and help protect the environment, biomass wood pellets make a great choice. When the pellets burn, they release the same amount of carbon dioxide that the wood biomass absorbs during its growth, making them carbon neutral.

Excellent pellet quality is essential to attain a constant and optimal heating process. As different fuel qualities exist, it is essential for stove and boiler owners to choose the right quality fuel that fits best with their installation

From heating to horse bedding: Wood Pellets A1 uses:
A small and compact product that tackles some big challenges, our pellets are a true force of nature. About the height of a bottle cork, they are an energy-rich, low-ash, low-moisture and clean-burning heating source for wood pellet heaters and boilers in residential, commercial and large-scale industrial heating applications.

Is it cheaper to burn wood or pellets?

The cost of burning wood versus pellets depends on several factors, including the price of wood and pellets in your area, the efficiency of your stove, and the insulation in your home. In general, wood pellets are often cheaper than firewood and offer a more consistent heat source.

Our Wood Pellets A1 also make a natural and comfortable choice for equine bedding. They are highly absorbent, drastically cut mucking out time, reduce bedding consumption, and are easy to store and transport

For best longevity, wood pellets should be stored indoors. Humid locations may require a dehumidifier. When stored properly pellets can have a shelf life of over two years, but ideally are used within a six month period. At Gad Energy UAB we are able to store pellets outside because of our high turnover rate, so no ton of pellets is outside for more than a month or two.

Water will destroy wood pellets. Wood Pellets bags are not waterproof. Each bag contains small hair holes to allow the pellets to breath. Take special care to prevent water absorption. Wood Pellets A1

Pellets are categorized by their heating value, moisture and ash content, and dimensions. They can be used as fuels for power generation, commercial or residential heating, and cooking. Pellets are extremely dense and can be produced with a low moisture content (below 10%) that allows them to be burned with a very high combustion efficiency. Wood Pellets A1

All European heating equipment is supplied with technical data sheets indicating biofuel parameters to achieve the highest possible efficiency and efficient operation. There are often cases when the cause of failure of pellet boilers was the supplier of poor-quality pellet fuel. That is why consumers pay close attention to the quality of wood pellets.

The company applies to environmentally friendly raw materials for pellet production, supplied under contracts with the state forestry of Ukraine. This gives us the opportunity not only to guarantee the stability of quality indicators, but also to give guarantees of the stability of the delivered product volumes. This type of cooperation predetermines the unconditional fulfillment of our obligations to counterparties

Choosing the right wood pellets for heating your home is an important decision that can impact your comfort and budget during the cold months. When shopping for wood pellets, it’s important to consider factors like cost, burn time, and quality. It’s also important to choose a high-quality stove or furnace that is efficient and reliable. By doing your research and selecting the right products, you can save money on heating costs while enjoying a warm and cozy home all winter long.

At Gad Energy UAB, we understand the importance of choosing the right wood pellets for your home. From forest to furnace, we deliver our premium wood pellets to your home. Contact us for a quick, easy and responsible way to heat your home without overheating the planet. 

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